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Related Arts

Students at L.H. Carpenter have the opportunity to participate in the following related arts programs once a week: Gym, PLTW, Character Building, Art, and Music. For more information on each Related Arts Program read below.

Art Supply

Mrs. Render

Art Class

Mrs. Render teaches Art for us and has a license in Art Education. When you visit our school, you can always see our student's artwork hanging in the hallways.

In the Fall, she uses lines to make shapes and paintings with fall themes of sunflowers, pumpkin patches, and jack-o-lanterns. As the students continue through the seasons, she encourages the student's Art eyes to expand, see, and capture winter landscapes and sparkling snow in paint and glitter. The students build from a two dimensional to a three dimensional art form in cardboard containers and cut paper as they learn about artists such as Eric Carne, Georgia O'Keefe, and Alexander Calder.

Mrs. Render consistently enhances her lessons with puppets, new vocabulary, different techniques to use media and she hopes to instill joy in the process and the product.

Character Building

Mrs. Render also has a license in Social Work. She also instructs our Character Building classes. Mrs. Render likes to grow the idea of an overall school family where we consistently value the identity of all students! She has photos in her classroom of all of our students. The children love seeing their faces, but then they also grow to look for the faces of others.

In Character Building, students are taught breathing skills which they practice regularly. Students also learn what emotions are and learn to identify what happy, sad, mad, etc look like to them. They learn effective ways to calm themselves down and self regulate to be the best they can be and to help others by being a good friend. They also cover topics such as being a good listener and making good choices, using kind words, and not being a bully.

Lessons are also designed to help the student learn about honor, respect for others, manners, and a self awareness that helps them grow individually and become part of our school family. The children love to experience giving and helping others as they make Christmas cards for people in nursing homes to Valentines for the firemen and firewomen who help us. 

Building a Robot
Newton's Pendulum

Mrs. Vigar

PLTW Class

PLTW stands for Project Lead the Way. Mrs. Vigar is certified in PLTW. Students move through different units of study and learn to problem solve, think critically and creatively, communicate, and collaborate. Below are the topics that students explore while they attend L.H. Carpenter. The topics aren't listed in the order they are taught. 

  • 12 Weeks of Living & NonLiving

  • What are living things and what are non-living things

  • 5 senses

  • Create a butterfly for living thing

  • ​Learn about habitats

  • ​What makes a habitat a habitat

  • Create bird houses for non-living

  • 8 Weeks for healthy habits

  • What healthy habits are

  • Healthy foods

  • Healthy body

  • Healthy teeth

  • 4 weeks for Coding​

  • What coding is

  • How to code

  • Coding mice

  • Coding bracelets

  • 5 Weeks of Sink and Float

  • Learning about why objects sink or float

  • Creating a boat and making adjustments

  • 5 Weeks of PLTW Challenge Days

  • Cup Challenge

  • Marshmallow challenge

  • Christmas Party

Music Class

Mrs. Rensberger is the instructor for our music program. The students call her the 
"Music Groove" teacher. She attended Ball State University for 2 years and studied Elementary Education. She has completed a music course, "The Learning Groove, to teach Early Childhood Music Classes".

A note from Mrs. Rensberger:

I believe music is an important part of learning. Music helps students with language development. Students learn and practice new works as well as learning how to express themselves through music. In class we learn rhythm and rhyme. Children learn to move to the beat by walking, clapping, and other movements. In our Music Groove classes, the children have the opportunity to play instruments, listen to stories, and learn about other cultures and the music they play. I like to help children explore music in a way that helps them to see it in their everyday lives. Music is fun and plays a part in helping children to become lifelong learners in every aspect of life. So let's keep singing.

Mrs. Rensberger

Music Sheets

Mrs. Rensberger


Gym Class

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